Your kindness filled them with health and hope.

Program Bantuan Bakul Makanan Kasih



Sending food, spreading love! In order to provide help to poor households affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, One Hope Charity & Welfare launched its pandemic relief program called the “Food Box with Love Campaign” (Program Bantuan Bakul Makanan Kasih), where boxes filled with food supplies will be couriered to the doorsteps of underprivileged families.

One Hope Charity & Welfare chairman Chua Sui Hau said that while the pandemic has brought negative impacts to the society, by the delivery of food love can be spread, sending out a positive message to the community and bringing warmth to people’s heart. In every food basket are the kindness of the donors, the love of the volunteers who helped out in packing the baskets, and the sense of responsibility of the delivery men who worked to ensure every package of hope and care is safely delivered to those in need.

Chua gave this inspiring message during the launching ceremony of the One Hope Charity’s Food Boxes with Love Campaign on Monday, where 5,000 food boxes were being sent out. The launching ceremony was conducted in full compliance with the standard operating procedures of Covid-19, with the Penang Chief Minister YAB Chow Kon Yeow officiating the ceremony.

Chua said that as the nationwide total lockdown was imposed on June 1, many poor families began to call One Hope Charity to seek for food assistance on the second week of total lockdown. He noted that the number of people seeking for help has doubled from last year.

“Some of them called our hotline asking for help, while others were recommended by their respective community leaders to receive emergency food aids.”

He stressed that due to the large number of people requesting for food aids, even after vetting the application it was impossible to simply dispatch volunteers out to distribute food door-to-door during the height of the pandemic. Considering the very real possibility for many families to run out of food at any moment, One Hope Charity came up with the idea to send out food baskets using courier service as the safest, swiftest, and most practical solution.

He said each food basket that One Hope Charity will be distributing costs more than RM200. Every package contains one packet of 2kg Milo, one packet of 300gm Nescafe, two cans each of baked beans and canned sardines, 1kg of butter, one packet of Nestum 3-in-1 cereal, one jar of 500gm peanut butter, one tin of 530gm assorted biscuits, one bag of instant noodles, one packet of 1.2kg oatmeal, one box of medical grade face masks, and one bottle of hand sanitizer.

Chua also stressed that the most important thing right now is to break the Covid-19 infection chain. In order to protect the health of the poor, One Hope Charity is also giving out medical grade face masks to the underprivileged families in addition to the food supplies.

Also present was One Hope Charity advisor Dato’ Seri R. Arunasalam.

Chua said that since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic last year and the implementation of the national Movement Control Order (MCO), One Hope Charity has been actively involving in Covid-19 prevention and control by providing assistances in four stages, namely Prevention, Fight, Fight Against, and Protection.

He emphasised the fact that the underprivileged is a group that has been badly affected by the pandemic. Providing them with food aids would feed their hunger, alleviating one of their most pressing and practical needs. Since January this year, One Hope Charity has distributed nearly 9,000 sets of food supplies to families seeking for help.

Program Bantuan Bakul Makanan Kasih





