"Finally, we can end our days of constant worry. Our child's heart surgery was successful, and she can now grow up healthy. We are truly grateful for everyone's donations and blessings."

Nuha Ufairah bt Ahmad Najzil Mukhsin, a 1-year-old girl from Kuala Kangsar, Perak, underwent successful heart repair surgery on May 15th. After being monitored in the ICU, she was moved to a regular ward and was discharged on May 22nd.

Diagnosed with three small holes in her heart and valve issues on her third day of life, Nuha was initially treated with medication, which proved insufficient. Eventually, heart surgery was required to address her condition. The substantial surgery costs were beyond her parents' means, but fortunately, through the generous donations from the public, the necessary RM68,000 was successfully raised.

Before the surgery, Nuha often experienced rapid breathing and signs of respiratory distress at night. These issues have been resolved post-surgery. Her mother, Safiqah bt Roslan (34), is immensely grateful for the support and contributions from kind-hearted individuals, enabling her daughter to undergo the surgery promptly and gain a healthy body.