A 29-year-old woman was diagnosed with keratoconus last year, which caused her vision to blur and rendered her unable to work. An ophthalmologist informed her that she would need to use a prescribed lens long-term to have normal vision, as there are no other treatment options. One Hope Charity provides assistance with prescribed lenses for keratoconus to improve her vision.

Leshani A/P Tamilselvan (29) from George Town, Penang, already had nearsightedness. When she went to an optician last year to  get new glasses, the optician informed her that her nearsightedness was too severe and recommended she go to the hospital for an examination. The result revealed that she had keratoconus in both eyes, which made it difficult for her to see distant objects clearly even with glasses. Only by wearing keratoconus contact lenses could she see clearly.

Leshani was originally a cashier, but she was suspended from work last year due to vision problems which affecting her job. Her 32-year-old husband is a warehouse security guard with a monthly salary of RM1500. The couple has a 9-year-old son who lives with the grandparents and attends a primary school.

She is an only child and rents a room with her husband in Johor Bahru. Recently, she has been temporarily staying at her parents’ home as she needs to follow-up at her hometown’s general hospital. Currently, the household expenses and the rent of RM450 are all supported by her husband’s meager income.

Upon receiving the request for assistance, One Hope Charity sent representatives to conduct a home visit. The board of directors decided to assist her in purchasing the prescribed lenses to restore her vision and return to work. Additionally, food aid was also provided to alleviate her family’s burden.

If there are any poor or needy who need medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen machines, special milk powder, diapers welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.