"Although it is unfortunate to fall ill, with everyone's donations and encouragement, I will definitely be strong and get through this. In July, I will go to Kuala Lumpur for a bone marrow transplant. Please continue to pray for me and support me in defeating this illness."

Since being diagnosed with leukemia, 32-year-old only child Low Wei Jie from Penang is expected to undergo at least four stages of chemotherapy. Each chemotherapy session lasts for seven days, followed by two to three weeks of hospitalization for observation. After a few days of rest at home, he will continue with the next stage of chemotherapy to eliminate the cancer cells in his body before the bone marrow transplant can be performed.

He began several chemotherapy sessions in January this year, fighting against the disease. Since then, he has endured many side effects, such as fever, low hemoglobin and platelets requiring blood transfusions, difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema, loss of appetite, and more. His weight has dropped from 74kg to 62kg, and he has been losing hair, so he decided to shave his head completely.

With the required RM280,000 medical expenses already raised and a suitable bone marrow donor found, he is very grateful for the generosity of the public and the bone marrow donor, which gives him the opportunity to undergo the transplant and a chance to defeat the disease.