Despite appearing healthy and chubby, one-year-old Lithikesans a/l Anumanthan harbors a severe heart defect, akin to a ticking time bomb. Doctors have warned that without heart repair surgery, his life expectancy is grim. The hospital has scheduled the surgery for June 10th.

Lithikesans, from Serdang, Kedah, was found to have a heart murmur at birth. Further examination confirmed he has Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD). Medication has temporarily managed his condition, but now the time for surgery has come. The high medical costs have overwhelmed his parents.

With the necessary funds for the surgery now raised, his parents are tearfully grateful for the public's generosity, providing them some relief. Their greatest hope is for Lithikesans to have a successful surgery and grow up healthy and safe.