The two little cuties have now started kindergarten after successfully receiving cochlear implants!

Twin brothers Lee Ting Feng and Lee Rong Hao, who once lived in a silent world, have successfully received cochlear implants and can now hear the wonderful sounds of the world. Both have adapted well and made significant progress, understanding and responding to their parents' questions.

Their father, Lee Ming Shin, recently visited One Hope Charity's Kuala Lumpur office with his family to express gratitude to the public. They donated one of the hearing aids that the children originally used, hoping that One Hope Charity can help other impoverished individuals with hearing impairments. Lee Ting Feng and Lee Rong Hao are still lively and active, frequently participating in activities and receiving preschool education. With their parents' efforts, they are gradually learning to say "mama" and "papa."

"Although the two of them are not yet able to engage in conversational communication, we are delighted to see their steady progress. They now understand that making sounds is necessary for the other person to know if they want or do not want something."

Younger brother Lee Rong Hao underwent cochlear implant surgery at the end of November last year, followed by his older brother Lee Ting Feng in early December. After the successful surgeries and stabilization, they were discharged and scheduled for activation and tuning in mid-December. They continue to receive speech therapy and learn to articulate sounds and recognize voices.

To ensure their children’s recovery and mastery of speech, the parents travel several times a month between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, accompanying the children for necessary treatments and regular check-ups. They are grateful to the public for their support, which has given the twin brothers the ability to hear, communicate, and learn without barriers, opening up a different future for them.