"When we learned about our child's condition, it was difficult to accept. We had no experience and didn't know how to care for her. Now, we are slowly accepting the reality and believe that as long as we don't give up, there is hope. Our child is on the road to recovery, and we hope she can grow up healthy like other children."

Four-year-old Evonne To from Jitra, Kedah, has frequently suffered from fever, cough, and phlegm since birth. More severe issues include seizures, asthma requiring intubation, and bacterial infections. After numerous tests, she was diagnosed with a chromosomal defect causing symptomatic genetic epilepsy and other complications.

Accompanied by her parents, Evonne has been in and out of Penang General Hospital frequently. Despite being physically and mentally exhausted, her parents have seen her condition gradually stabilize and hope she can one day be free from the ventilator.

Over the past four years, Evonne's condition has gradually improved. Although she needs to use a BIPAP machine long-term and receives feedings and medication through a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube, her mother has become strong, learning how to care for her, including maintaining hygiene and changing tubes. Her father, who was initially at a loss, has also learned how to feed her and shares the caregiving responsibilities with his wife.

With the RM80,000 medical expenses now fully funded, her parents are deeply grateful for the public's generous donations, which have alleviated their burden. Since only the father is working, while the mother needs to provide 24-hour care for Evonne, they will use the funds wisely to purchase the necessary medical supplies.