“Thank you all, thank you all! Today, we brought our father here to express our gratitude for everyone’s  help with our actions. Thanks very much for the help, our father was able to undergo surgery and overcome this difficult time. His condition is much better now! We are truly grateful for everyone’s assistance!”

Cheong Kok Wah (70) from Batu Maung, Penang, underwent heart surgery on May 24th. He was transferred to normal ward after three days of observation in the incentive care unit (ICU). His daughter, a housewife, stayed at the hospital to accompany and care for him after his transfer. He was discharged and allowed to go home on May 31st.

Due to persistent shortness of breath, coughing, cold sweats, and weight loss, Cheong Kok Wah went to the hospital for a check-up and was diagnosed with four blocked heart vessels. Two of them were 99% blocked, while the other two were 90% and 50% blocked, respectively. Additionally, there was blood congestion in the heart, reducing its ejection fraction to only 22%, required an emergency surgery.

The cost of his heart surgery reached RM85,000, but his children could only afford RM25,000 of the surgical expenses, so they sought help from One Hope Charity. Thanks to the generosity of the public, the remaining RM60,000 needed for Cheong Kok Wah’s surgery was successfully raised within 1 day and 1 hour. He is now recovered and recuperating at home.

Cheong Kok Wah and his children made a special trip from Penang Island on June 15th to visit One Hope Charity’s office, handed over a thank-you card to express their gratitude.