"Thank you everyone for giving me the opportunity to have surgery. Although I am very scared and worried about this surgery, I hope to survive this ordeal and continue living, hoping to one day enjoy time with my grandchildren."

With the remaining RM60,000 for Cheong Kok Wah's medical expenses fully raised, One Hope Charity will cease fundraising efforts from today onwards. The hospital is also arranging the surgery, and we hope he can overcome this challenge.

Cheong Kok Wah from Batu Maung, Penang, began experiencing persistent shortness of breath and coughing 2-3 months ago, accompanied by cold sweats and weight loss. After seeking medical attention, tests confirmed that four of his heart vessels are blocked: two are 99% blocked, one is 90% blocked, and the other is 50% blocked. Additionally, blood clots in his heart have reduced its pumping efficiency to just 22%, posing a risk of sudden death if left untreated.

Due to his shortness of breath, Cheong Kok Wah is unable to climb the stairs to his fifth-floor flat and has had to stay with his sister. His two children are very grateful for the public's donations, allowing their father to undergo surgery as soon as possible.