Audrey Yeo Feng Chee, who previously had a severe protrusion on the right side of her chest and a 46-degree thoracolumbar scoliosis, has successfully undergone spinal correction surgery. After her recovery, she can now stand upright and walk, and has also returned to work. She is grateful to everyone who offered blessings and assistance, enabling her to have the surgery within a short period.

Audrey was admitted to the hospital on April 23rd. After nearly a 4-hour surgery, she attempted to walk the next day with the help of medical staff. She was discharged on February 27th after ensuring her wound had healed well and returned home to be cared for by family and friends. Her body gradually recovered and improved, and she was able to walk unassisted just four days post-surgery. During a follow-up visit, the doctor confirmed her good recovery, and her height increased by 1.5 cm.

Hailing from Kuantan, Pahang, Audrey first noticed uneven shoulders and a slightly protruding back bone upon entering secondary school. An examination confirmed a 30-degree spinal curvature. Despite wearing a back brace into adulthood, the problem worsened, causing her pain when walking, standing, or sitting for long periods, relieved only by lying down. After her brother's passing, Audrey took on the responsibility of supporting her family but was unable to afford the full cost of the surgery, seeking assistance for the remaining RM48,000.