Date: 16/05/2024, 1pm

Case: Nilosine (Medication Expenses)

Allocation Amount: RM8,495

Case Needed Amount: RM8,495

Amount Before: RM593,885 (16/05/2024, 1pm)

Balance After: RM585,390 (16/05/2024, 1pm)

【Medical Assistance-Medical Fee】A 17-year-old girl, affected by Crohn's Disease, frequently experiences diarrhea and significant weight loss. Her single mother has exhausted her savings and car accident compensation to treat her daughter. One Hope Charity is providing assistance with six months' worth of medication costs amounting to RM8494.80.

About four years ago, the girl started experiencing abdominal pain and diarrhea whenever she ate, leading to significant weight loss. After seeking medical attention, she was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. To support her daughter, a single mother chose not to undergo surgery after a car accident, preferring to endure the pain in her wrist with painkillers and using the compensation money to buy her daughter's medication.

Nilosine A/P Saravanan from Seremban began feeling unwell in primary school, frequently experiencing stomach pain and diarrhea after eating. She secretly gave her lunch, prepared by her mother, to her friends. Later, her mother noticed that she was becoming thinner, with her weight dropping to 18 kg. She became quieter and often sat still, prompting her mother to take her to see a doctor.

Tests revealed that her intestines were swollen and had pus, and she was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. She began initial treatment, which greatly improved her condition, and she was able to eat gradually. However, a follow-up last year revealed that the intestinal inflammation had not completely subsided, requiring continued medication with a six-month cost of RM8494.80.

Her mother, Suganthi A/P Bonjo, divorced many years ago and has been raising her daughter alone. She works as a sanitation worker, earning about RM1500 per month. In August of last year, she fractured her left wrist in a car accident. Considering that she couldn't afford to stop working, she chose to endure the pain and continue working, using the compensation money to purchase her daughter's medication.

Every month, she has to pay for rent, transportation, insurance, her daughter's education fees, and other miscellaneous expenses, making it difficult to afford her daughter's medication. She sought assistance from One Hope Charity.

After a home visit and consultation with the doctor, One Hope Charity decided to assist Nilosine to ensure she continues receiving the necessary treatment and to alleviate the financial burden on her and her family. One Hope Charity allocated RM8494.80 from the "Emergency Medical Reserve Fund" to cover her medication for the next six months.

If there are any poor or needy who need medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen machines, special milk powder, diapers welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.