Date: 08/05/2024, 11am

Case: Leong Ken Cheang (Medical Expenses)

Allocation Amount: RM22,995

Case Needed Amount: RM22,995

Amount Before: RM605,718 (08/05/2024, 11am)

Balance After: RM582,723 (08/05/2024, 11am)

【Medical Assistance - Treatment and Examination Fees】The hawker diagnosed with tongue cancer has already depleted his savings on previous treatments. One Hope Charity has provided assistance of RM22,995 to enable him to continue his treatment.

A single hawker from Penang, 56-year-old Leong Ken Cheang, was diagnosed with tongue cancer two years ago after experiencing frequent bleeding while brushing his teeth. The previous treatments depleted his savings, leaving him unable to afford the subsequent medical expenses. In response, One Hope Charity has allocated RM22,995.60 from the Emergency Medical Reserved Fund to cover his ongoing treatment and examination costs.

Leong Ken Cheang, who has been living independently since his divorce many years ago, relies solely on his income from hawking to sustain himself. After various treatments failed to yield consistent improvement in his condition, doctors recommended an alternative treatment plan, the expenses of which he could not bear on his own, hence his appeal to One Hope Charity for assistance.

Following a thorough home visit and assessment, One Hope Charity has decided to allocate RM22,995.60 from the Emergency Medical Reserved Fund to facilitate his prompt treatment.