Date: 22/06/2024, 10am

Case: Jeremy Lidus (Pacemaker)

Allocation Amount: RM20,000

Case Needed Amount: RM20,000

Amount Before: RM545,918 (22/06/2024, 10am)

Balance After: RM525,918 (22/06/2024, 10am)

【Medical Assistance-Pacemaker】He wasn't diagnosed with heart problems in childhood and therefore did not receive timely surgery. Now, at 16, he faces complex heart issues. One Hope Charity is providing RM20,000 to urgently implant a pacemaker to save his life.

Jeremy Lidus, from Keningau, Sabah, was not diagnosed with any heart problems at birth. However, at age 2, he began experiencing discomfort and was taken to see a doctor. It was then that an unusual heart sound was detected, and he was referred to a government hospital. Initial examinations revealed he had a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).

Further examinations at the National Heart Institute (IJN) showed that Jeremy's condition was more complex. Besides the VSD, he was diagnosed with Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries (CCTGA) and Pulmonary Stenosis (PS). At the time, doctors advised against immediate surgery, suggesting a follow-up in five years. However, Jeremy's mother, believing he was too young, requested to postpone the surgery, and the doctors agreed.

For over ten years, Jeremy has had regular check-ups. Recently, doctors informed his family that surgery could no longer be delayed, as his life was at risk.

Jeremy's father, Lidus Balua (46), makes a modest living through small-scale farming and raising livestock, sometimes selling chickens or pigs at the local market. His mother, Rahsna Kinawa (51), is a housewife. The family, including Jeremy's two sisters, aged 20 and 13, lives in an ancestral home without any vehicle for transportation.

Despite knowing the urgency of the surgery to implant a pacemaker for Jeremy, the family cannot afford the RM20,000 required for the procedure.

Upon receiving the request for assistance, One Hope Charity immediately conducted a review and verification. It was decided to allocate RM 20,000 from the "Emergency Medical Reserved Fund" to help Jeremy undergo the life-saving pacemaker implantation surgery.

This timely intervention highlights the critical role of community support and charity in providing life-saving medical assistance to those in need. The collective efforts of kind-hearted individuals and organizations have given Jeremy a fighting chance at a healthier future.

If there are any poor or needy who need medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen machines, special milk powder, diapers welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.